We watched several autopsies. At first the feeling was like umm umm um, alright I give you the chance to guess. But after some time, I turned heartless and said "I should join the old man on CSI NY".
I got the opportunity to see how skulls being cut which actually using vibration, blood diceduk using ladle, brain (my friend refers this as jelly) is cut to see any injury, how the body being sown and so on.

The doctor, his assistants with 'the patient'.
The cases involving suicide, hit and run accident, drowning and so on. Talking about suicide, normally Malay people do this because of madness, while Chinese because of money and Indian because of stress.
Well, actually it's not bad working with dead people. This will reminds us of death, of sakaratul maut. Ka'b al-Ahbar said :
And Imam Ghazali said,
OK that's all. Thanks to the staffs of the Forensic Department.
Future doctors: Me, Azlyn, Irin. That pink shoes is euww. Nevermind.
*Thanks to Ainul Haha for this picture*
*Thanks to Ainul Haha for this picture*
Well, actually it's not bad working with dead people. This will reminds us of death, of sakaratul maut. Ka'b al-Ahbar said :
"Sakaratul maut ibarat sebatang pohonberduri yang dimasukkan kedalam perut seseorang. Lalu, seorang lelaki menariknya dengan sekuat-kuatnya sehingga ranting itupun membawasemua bagian tubuh yang menyangkut padanya dan meninggalkan yang tersisa"
And Imam Ghazali said,
"Demi Allah, seandainya jenazah yang sedang kalian tangisi bisa berbicara sekejap, lalu menceritakan (pengalaman sakaratul mautnya)pada kalian, niscaya kalian akan melupakan jenazah tersebut, danmulai menangisi diri kalian sendiri".
OK that's all. Thanks to the staffs of the Forensic Department.